Lazy, lazy,
give me your answer true.
Am I crazy
to want to pedal for you?
It's not my belief in marriage
That makes me want such baggage.
But trains don't take my wedding cake,
And my bicycle built for two.
Copyright - Love and the Planet, June 2008.
We ride our bicycles alone. To ride tandem together is still difficult in post-liberal England. If you ride tandem, you cannot travel far. No train will take you. If we don't get very far on the tandem, or when the tandem breaks, we blame each other. When we ride our bikes alone, chances are, that only one bike would break at a time. When we ride our bikes alone, we get to ride our own way, our own trails, covering much more distance than we could on a tandem.
This is all metaphor. How do couples stay together even when it appears that the Whole has become lesser than the Sum of the Parts? Is coupledom so conditioned by Cultural Institutions and Peer Pressure that it persists despite failure? Does it persist through the Faith or the Hope that the Whole will improve, or does it persist through the perception of perpetual success. The Cultural Institutions responsible for sustaining these emotions collectively failed in the Sixties, and since then, have relied more on deaths than on births and marriages.
Or is it, once again, Evolutionary Nature, that some couples persist unthinkingly, obeying evolutionary instinct despite all the disincentives and obstacles placed before them by modern technological civilization?
These are the great questions of a post mid-summer day.
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